Welcome to our latest episode of the Art & Cocktails podcast! In this episode, Ekaterina Popova chats with Marina Press Granger, an exceptional coach and leader known for her unique integration of spirituality and business in the art world. This discussion is essential for artists aiming to cultivate self-worth, harness their spiritual gifts, and navigate their careers with renewed confidence.

Meet Marina Press Granger

Marina Press Granger's professional journey is inspiring, offering us a wealth of knowledge both in the art world and beyond. Starting her career in New York City's museums and galleries, Marina has since evolved into a mentor and coach for artists, certified Reiki master, and spiritual guide. Her transition from the traditional art world to a more spiritually infused practice offers a fresh perspective for contemporary artists.

Integrating Spirituality into Artistic Practice

One of the highlights of our conversation is Marina's approach to integrating spirituality into her coaching and programs. By encouraging artists to tap into their intuition, Marina helps them overcome limiting beliefs and unlock their full potential. This episode delves into practical methods and personal stories that show the profound impact of spiritual practices on creative expression.

Personal Stories and Spiritual Awakening

Both Ekaterina and Marina share intimate stories from their post-Soviet childhoods, shedding light on the significant role spirituality has played in their lives. These raw and personal narratives not only provide context for their current work but also offer listeners a relatable and inspiring view of the power of spiritual awakening.

Practical Tips for Artists

The episode is packed with actionable advice for artists looking to connect more deeply with their intuition. Marina shares simple yet effective techniques, such as the box breath, which can help regulate the nervous system and open creative channels. These practical tips are designed to be easily integrated into daily routines, helping artists manage stress and enhance their creative output.

The Evolving Art World

Another key discussion point is the shifting landscape of the art world, particularly the increasing power and opportunities afforded to artists by the internet and social media. Marina and Ekaterina discuss how these platforms are democratizing the art industry, allowing artists to showcase their work and build their careers independently.

Key Takeaways

  • Spiritual Growth: Embrace spiritual practices to build resilience and courage.
  • Practical Techniques: Use methods like the box breath to enhance creativity and manage stress.
  • Empowerment through Technology: Leverage the internet and social media to gain visibility and control over your artistic career.
  • Mindset for Manifestation: Cultivate a mindset of neutrality and openness to attract opportunities effortlessly.

Join Marina's Free Training

We're excited to share that Marina is hosting a free three-day live training on how to get into galleries that don’t accept submissions. This training will cover what galleries are looking for, how to present your work effectively, and how to overcome personal barriers to achieve your creative goals. The training will take place on July 10, 11, and 12. Sign up at theartistadvisory.myflodesk.com.

Connect with Marina

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Final Thoughts

As we continue to explore the confluence of art and spirituality, it becomes increasingly clear that these elements are deeply intertwined. Through conversations like this, we hope to inspire and empower you to embrace your spiritual gifts and navigate your creative journey with confidence and clarity.